Sound Regenerative Laser Therapy (RLT)

The RLT is a laser unlike any other. The RLT delivers amazing results through short high energy pulses which penetrate energy deep in affected tissues and promote natural healing and prevent inelastic scar tissue formation.

This biggest enemy of healing is scar tissue. Particularly with tendon and ligament injuries because scar tissue is disorganized and inelastic. Tendon and ligaments are required to stretch and recoil to provide shock absorption and optimal function. Scar tissue is far more likely to be re-injured. The regenerative laser is utilized 3 x weekly to continually remind the body to bring in healing factors and realign the tissue as it heals.

What sets our laser apart? All other class four cold lasers on the market are therapeutic- meaning they help the body heal the way it normally would just faster. The regenerative laser prompts the body to bring in its own healing factors to heal in the most optimal way.